Friday, February 24, 2012

IHeart Organizing: Reader Space: Jill's Joyful Office Closet

Sometimes we get into funks and leave things the way they are, because that is the way they have been for so long already... and that it is all that makes sense to us.? And often times, we forget that we should always be rethinking how we are using our spaces.? For example, a closet that has been a "coat" closet for years... Who says that closet has to be for coats?? Why can't it be a pantry or a craft closet or a combination of all three? ?? We need to define what we want spaces to become, based on our needs and what works best for us.? Not because "that's the way it was built" and originally intended.

Jill wrote:

Hi Jen! ?I'm a HUGE fan of your blog {like, HUGE. ?I emailed you many months ago, just to thank you for all the inspiration and motivation}. ?I'm a little bit {uh, okay... a LOT bit} of an OCD organizer so coming to your blog is like coming home.?

Anyway.? One of my most favorite features you do is the Reader Spaces and seeing how others utilize their spaces is kinda fascinating for me. ?And last night, it hit me that maybe I could just ENTER to BE one of the Reader Spaces. ?

I mean, it's nothing mind-blowing {well, it is to ME but I'm continually blown away by the creativity out there!} but it's a space in our home that's totally done a 180 and changed the way we operate. ?We went from a cluttered closet that was my dark secret {haha} into a streamlined office-warehouse that I actually WANT to go in now! ?We tore out shelves, relocated clothing, hung wire shelving, and then purged and organized and organized some more {my favorite part}.


Let's take a peek at what Jill began with...
Because Jill was welcoming a little one, her office space was being taken over by a nursery.? So it was time to start thinking of a new solution.? The closet was the perfect answer and it has gone through an amazing transformation!

A new light, an electrical outlet and some updated shelving and she had a whole new room!

Oh yes indeed, that is the same space!

All of her scrapbook paper is sorted in the clear drawers:

The cart is from IKEA and she also picked up some sorters to use within the drawers so she could stash away some smaller craft items!

Some thrifting gave her inexpensive storage solutions as well!
She used photo cases to store all of her prints {that she will use to scrapbook one day}:

The green storage boxes {also from IKEA}, are great for storing her extra kit materials {for her shop} and sewing supplies.

She added some art and a rail of cups to hold more crafting/kit items:

Each component worked together to give her a successful before and after story!

  • She gained new functionality for a closet that wasn't working up to it's full potential.
  • She made lemonade out of lemons!? Loss of her personal space for her nursery meant a super snazzy new closet office space!
  • The closet didn't have a light or outlet, but she had them installed to boost the functionality!? Just because it didn't come that way, doesn't mean it can't be that way!
  • She used storage inside of storage.? The storage baskets for the cart wouldn't work for smaller craft supplies, but by adding simple divider trays, she has a fabulous crafty cart that holds all of her supplies perfectly!
  • She really maximized the space in the closet by adding shelving along two walls and going vertical.? She also used the remaining wall to add additional storage through the rail of cups.
  • Artwork in a closet is simply genius.? A closet can easily be considered another "room" in our home, why not jazz it up a bit?? So adorable!
  • Thrifted or every day items {such as bowls and mugs} are fantastic for corralling small office supplies like paperclips and pushpins!
  • Everything is labeled!? No standing there questioning the contents of each storage bin or box.? She will always know where to quickly grab from!

Pretty fab right?? Who else has been looking twice at how you are using a space??
ATTENTION!!? Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?? Have an awesome organizing story to share?? I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life.? Please send your story and photos to and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!? Photos should be high resolution and unedited.? Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better!? Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!? Only love goes on at this blog!? More info HERE.


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